Dr. Super began Dr. Super’s House of Health in September 2021. With just $120 and the equipment she had bought over the years, she she started seeing patients for home visits. She saved until she had enough to rent a small office in the Berkshire Mall and brought on a few employees. Since then, Dr. Super’s House of Health has grown and expanded into a new location, mostly through word of mouth referrals.

Dr. Super’s House of Health was founded to provide a safe space for patients to truly heal and feel comfortable in their body while receiving care. When you are uncomfortable, stressed, scared, pessimistic, confused, or angry, your body releases cortisol. This powerful stress hormone disrupts normal hormone production, tenses muscles, triggers the sympathetic nervous system, and spreads inflammation. That’s a bunch of things getting in the way of your healing process!

We want the office to feel like you are visiting Dr. Super in her own home.

Our Philosophy


Salutogenesis is a philosophy in medicine that focus on the solutions instead of the problems. The language required to treat patients changes with a salutogenic approach versus a pathogenic one. We care about and address symptoms, but the conversation is steered away from pain and instead towards the patients ability to heal, what improvements they are seeing so far, and what more they want from life now that they are no longer consumed by their pain.

By focusing on the positives and providing solutions, we are able to give our patients hope in their healing process. When your mind focuses on the problem, the problem gets bigger. When your mind focuses on the solution, the solution comes into focus and you can finally overcome the problem.

“As a chiropractor, I believe in giving the power to the patient. The power to heal, the power to grow, and the power to overcome. “ -Dr. Super


There are over 200 different chiropractic techniques! There are manual adjusting techniques, instrument assisted techniques, and specified techniques performed on only one area of the body. Some techniques require X-rays, and some require specialized equipment. Some techniques are contraindicated for certain patient populations or conditions, while others are considered safe for everyone. 

Each technique has a different system of analysis, different pre or post checks, applications of force, torque, depth, vectors, velocity, etc. The technique used and its proper application can make all the difference in patient comfort and treatment outcomes. Techniques regularly used at the office include: Diversified, Sacro-occipital, Activator, Thompson, Webster’s, Logan, Extremity Adjusting, Toggle, NIMMO, Gonstead, Cox-Flexion Distraction, Arthrostim, and soft tissue techniques.

“I take my art form seriously and practice adjusting regularly, get adjusted regularly, and read chiropractic literature regularly. I have to practice the art of touch, of pressure, of reading the body. I listen to my hands when they tell me something hurts, when something has loss of tone, or too much tone. I listen to my hands and my innate intuition when it tells me when to adjust or when NOT to adjust. I feel for differences in vibration, pulses, temperature, skin drag, and fluid. I feel for stability, lack of stability, restriction, or hypermobility. This is all part of the “Art” of chiropractic.”